
Independence Days Challenge 2009

I'd seen Sharon Astyk's "Independence Days" being blogged about and worked by some of my favorite homesteading authors last year. Sharon is renewing the challenge for those who've been following along, and inviting new folks to join in. As she wrote,

"I think a lot of us have in our heads the idea that putting up food, or getting into the garden has to wait until we have time. But of course, that time rarely arrives."

I think I'll take on this year's challenge, but modified to do the following challenges once a week instead of once a day:

1. Plant something
2. Harvest something
3. Preserve something
4. Reduce waste
5. Preparation and Storage
6. Build Community Food Systems
7. Eat the Food

Check the link provided for a deeper explanation of what the challenges mean. I'll probably blog my updates on Sunday afternoon or evening. If you've been wanting to become more self-sufficient, this is a great way to start!

Oh, and Greens update: made the carrot-raisin salad. It was meh. Ate most of it, however.

[pic: our first tomato of the season]

1 comment:

  1. Cool! At the very least, you can pick one item from the list each day...very nice!


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