At least Junior is figuring out that the girls are more willing to give him a little leg if he does a bit of wooing, and for this, he might be spared. The rest of the roosters - including the other Barred, Mr. Statesman - are on "the shortlist to the stockpot". They've got a few more weeks to figure out how to better behave before the literal hatchet falls. Bah! Rotten roos!
[pic: Junior, the lucky roo]
Give them an A for Alert. I am down from about 15 roosters to one rooster now. I have a habit of giving them feminine names. I think this helps lower their self-esteem. We have had Peaches, Sunday and Beauty... good roosters. We have had Ted, Black Bart and Cowboy...bad roosters. However, even the bad roosters are ALERT. They have saved hens many times from aerial attacks by hawks, by sounding the alarm. Over time, I have been able to notice different rooster sounds, such as "INCOMING!" "Hey Girls look what I found!" (When they find some tasty food source, once the girls have gathered the rooster backs off and watches as the girls bend over to peck at the food). Of course the ever endearing sound they make when saying, "Hey Baby I have something for you". Finally to me the most annoying is their crow which they do at the drop of a hat as in "Hey look what I just did" (i.e.: I just woke up, I just ate a bug, I just boinked that hot little Francine for the 3rd time in the last hour.
ReplyDelete@The Eggman: I sure hope the roos learn how to call & share like yours do. Perhaps they're still too immature?
ReplyDeleteThe first two roos we had, two Sicilian buttercups, did a very good job of defending the girls from the geese (and us and the dogs and anyone else for that matter). We thought they were passive aggressive or crazy. After jumping up on you for attention they would draw blood after they got it. I almost wish we kept them.
ReplyDelete@Spouse - I was just thinking that the other day...
ReplyDelete@warren: *groan*!!!
One rooster is really all you need for the long list of good things and bad things that roosters do, especially if you have a small flock of hens.
ReplyDeleteOur lone rooster, No Toes, has his bevy of 8 ladies and keeps them all safe and satisfied very well.
Two roosters always seems to be one too many. Good luck. :)