
battening down the hatches

South-Central Texas is expecting heavy rain, strong wind gusts, and possible flash-flooding of creeks and roads due to Hurricane Dolly blowing in. I've got all the critters, shelters, and other outdoor things taken care of. It's bloody humid and 96-degrees F at the moment, but I can see the bands of clouds rolling in. Keep good thoughts in mind for those further south where the defecation is hitting the rotary oscillator with a vengeance. Will keep you posted.

[pic: The Hausfraus, on my lap]


  1. "the defecation is hitting the rotary oscillator with a vengeance"

    That is hilarious! I hope you guys are only getting much-needed rain from this storm, and everyone, and everything stays safe!


Of Mice and Various Snakes and new Duck Feed Station

As mentioned in the previous post, our region is experiencing a near-Biblical plague of mice. "It's due to all the moisture we had...