I've been told that I have unreasonably high expectations of myself. This is another one of those instances where I feel I fell miserably short, where perhaps I should be looking at it as a good start instead. I didn't cook a CSA veggie every day (as the beets and kohlrabi will attest), but I did cook & eat more than I would have without the challenge. Regardless, the chickens will be getting a feast of last week's leftovers for the next few days, as I had to pick up today's latest CSA bag. Oof.
This week's bounty:
- White & red onions
- Lacinto Kale
- Carrots (for the love of all that's holy, more carrots)
- Mixed salad greens
- Mizuna greens
- Snow peas
- Turnips
- and a small vase of flowers (yay!)
One thing I need to do differently: come up with the recipes, write down the necessary ingredients, and then get them all during the weekly grocery run. Otherwise, I get lazy (although I tell myself I'm saving gas and the environment). I won't update every day about what I do or don't cook/eat, but will summarize on CSA Wednesdays. This particular batch of CSA bounty should be easier than last week's, as there's more that I usually eat. Onwards & upwards!
[Pic: a rather fuzzy shot of this week's goodies.]
I am jealous of your carrots! We never get them.