With these memories in mind, my goal this Spring was to tear out the lone oleander - planted by the previous owner - that resides in the eastern garden bed. It wasn't blooming anyways, and I wanted it gone on general principle. But then, behold: this week it bloomed for the first time. Hot pink blossoms. I hadn't seen oleander flowers of that color close up before, and I'll admit it, I've been entranced. So the oleander gets to stay until I order a shipment of rabbit-eye bushes (blueberries that grow well in Texas). Then hot pink flowers or not, that poisonous little biddy goes.
Greens check in: made a (non-CSA) kale soup with chicken broth and rice noodles, then put together a carrot raisin salad using yogurt and agave syrup. Letting the flavors meld in the refrigerator, and will try it out tomorrow.
[*If you haven't seen the movie or read the series Lord of the Rings, just ignore that sentence. Yes, I'm a geek.]
Didn't even know what oleander looked like -- reminds me a bit of Virginia creeper, or even phlox. My theory is, if it can grow up on our windy, god-forsaken hill and it isn't a "real" weed -- it gets to stay. Thanks for the pic. :)