It's not always fur & feathers around here. Spouse and I like to get out to eat once in awhile. Our usual is to find the best, most inexpensive "hole in the wall" joint for whatever cuisine strikes our fancy. No ambiance? Not a problem if the food is good; even better if they don't look askance at our dirty jeans and sneakers. Once in a blue moon, however, we'll take a shower (don't faint!) and hit a moderately pricey venue if there's a celebration or particular craving that only a certain type of restaurant can provide. One such restaurant introduced us to a dessert wine that was so good, I knew I had to go out and buy some for our personal stash. I wasn't willing to buy it through the restaurant, however, as wine markups in eateries are darn near criminal. Search though I did (and our friends, too), I was not able to find it locally. The few retailers we hit weren't able to find a supplier, either.
Just now (as of, say, 10 minutes ago) finally teased the information out of the mighty Internet for Feudo Arancio
"Hekate Passito" (Sicilia IGT) dessert wine. My Google-fu must have been lacking since last Spring, as I didn't realize that there was a resource on-line called
Wine Searcher, and easy as pie, they came up with a list of retailers who will sell & ship the wine here in the USA.

It's a bit spendy, so we won't be able to purchase too many of these bottles, but dang, it'll be worth it. This stuff was/is
You say you don't like wine? Fine, fine; here's a photo of a chicken to make up for the off-topic entry...
[pic: Nutmeg, not looking amused. I think she'd rather we start a worm farm for her benefit instead of spending it on wine, thankyouverymuch.]
Fermented worms...now that's a chicken's dream!